
자닮 게시판  [ 모두 함께 참여하여 만드는 초저비용농업의 해법! ]

자닮이 미국 순회 강연을 4개 지역에서 진행합니다! (2023년 2월)
운영자 2023-01-30 11:47:21 | 조회: 22656
자닮 대표 조영상입니다.

저희들이 미국 센프란시스코(3~4), 뉴욕(10~11), 멜린랜드(17-18), 텍사스(24~25) 4개 지역에서 각 이틀간씩 자닮 유기농업 강좌를 진행합니다. 
잘아는 미국 친지나 교민, 친구들에게 자닮 강좌 소식을 알려주시면 고맙겠습니다. 
건강하게 잘 다녀오겠습니다. 감사합니다. 

- 자닮 한글소개 : https://youtu.be/UKMXgp7WlMA
- 자닮 영문소개 :  https://bit.ly/2UVU0yJ  (JADAM Brief Introduction)
- 자닮 영문책 구입 : https://amzn.to/3kZrw1L

다음 링크를 통해서 강좌에 예약을 할 수 있습니다. 
JADAM has perfected innovative Ultra-Low-Cost Organic Farming technology.
The self-manufacturing of organic pesticides with powerful control effects can reduce the cost of pesticides by 1/20.
JADAM is also very helpful for those who do organic gardening.

- JADAM Brief Introduction:  https://youtu.be/GD9Z5qo285M

We brought great news in 2023. We are going to visit the USA. for the JADAM lecture tour in February.
We are going to 4 cities: Sebastopol, CA, Queensbury, NY, Beltsville, MD, and Houston, TX.
I hope to see you there in our lectures. Also, there will be a certification for attendees. 
I hope you have a happy new year and see you soon. You can see the details by following the links below.

Sebastopol, CA: https://bit.ly/3Ilpuoi
Queensbury, NY: https://bit.ly/3IgVY2Y
Beltsville, MD: https://bit.ly/3WZbt3W
Houston, TX: https://bit.ly/3WZbuVy

JADAM’s ultimate objective is to bring farming back to farmers.
Through JADAM’s method, farming can become Ultra-Low-Cost, completely organic,
and farmers can once again become the masters of farming.

Farmers will possess the knowledge, method, and technology of farming.
When organic farming becomes easy, effective, and inexpensive, it can finally become a practical alternative.
Farmers, consumers, and Mother Nature will all rejoice in this splendid new world we wish to open.
Let's all move forward with Ultra Low-Cost agriculture.

JADAM YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@JADAMORGANIC

If you have more questions about the lectures, please contact Tamsen Kelly (tamsenkelly@gmail.com).

2023-01-30 11:47:21
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  • davidsel 2023-02-25 23:41:00

    조대표님과 사모님 그리고 따님 오랬동안 수고가 많으시네요.건강한 가운데 모든일을 잘마치고 귀국하시기를 바랍니다.  

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